If you need this
page translated, highlight and copy the text and then paste it
to the text translator at the Icon below !
an image 400X400 Transparent..
Next, Choose your Selection Tool and
click on the Pentagon Shape..
Flood fill with Color,,I used a shade of brown*You can use a
color of your choice and you can also use a texture from Blade
Pro, or any of your filters to obtain a look of your choice*
settings for brown color below:
Red - 158
Green - 127
Blue -106
Choose Selection Tool/Rounded Rectangle
and draw a narrow rectangle for the perch
Marching Ants,,
Choose Selection Tool/Circle
and draw a Circle inside the Birdhouse for
the opening..While ants are still marching,,hit the Delete Key
on your keyboard to remove the color..Remove Ants..
to Tubes icon and choose Bird3...
and place the bird on the perch of the Birdhouse..
(Depending on the size of the Birdhouse,,you may have to decrease
the size of the Bird Tube or increase its size...)
up a new work area 300X300 leaving the birdhouse as it is so
Now choose the Wreath Tube ..
You have to take a portion of this wreath with the Selection
Tool to use it for a nest..
and Paste the
New Selection as a New Image..
Then go to Image, Rotate and Rotate it 45 degrees to the Left
(Rotated>> )
copy and paste it to the circular cutout of the Birdhouse..You
use the Eraser Tool to clean the square edge if it extends beyond
the house..
You can take more pieces of the Wreath, rotate them
and place them on the side of the birdhouse...
Also,,choose the Selection Tool/Ellipse and draw
little eggs,,Flood Fill with white or a light color...
You can also put a grey shade inside the egg with the freehand
(just draw a narrow line to shade the egg)
birdhouse below was made with Driftwood Tubes
that I rotated and put together to shape a birdhouse..
I just wanted to show u another way of doing this tut..
needed for the below birdhouse included in zip download
Kath's Tutorial
2000-2007 *Kath's Tuts & Graphic Designs*