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Tutorial created in PSP7 but it
can be done in PSP6

Jelly Bean Jar

1. Open New Image 400X400, Transparent

2. Add New Raster Layer

3. Use your Preset Shapes Tool
and choose Rounded Rectangle and use
the settings shown below

Draw a Rounded Rectangle the size you
would like for your Jar..
Click on the Object Selector
and then go to the Image and right click and choose
Node Edit...
Drag the nodes at the upper and right hand corners
to look like the pic below...Double Click to end Node Edit..
Go to Layers, Convert to Raster

4. Use the Magic Wand to select the center of
the Jar and fill with the color white..

5. Go to the Layer Pallette and lower the
Opacity to 50...You do this by sliding the layer opacity
bar to the left until it reads 30.

Selections, Select None..

6. Using the Rounded Rectangle Preset Tool again,
draw small rectangle for a rim on the jar,,and then
draw one a little larger on the top of it like below..
Fill with white and lower opacity again to 30.

7. Create a New Raster Layer
Now, using the Ellipse Preset Tool, draw an ellipse on
Make sure Antialias and Vector are checked..
Once you draw the ellipse, adjust it to fit the top
of the jar...Fill with white and lower opacity to 30.

8. Now go to the Draw Tool and choose
Bezier with these settings

Create a New Layer and
Draw a line on the left side of the jar for shading
Lower the Opacity to 30 once again..
Picture below of bezier line on left side of jar..

8. Add New Layer
and using the Picture Tube,,choose the Jelly Beans
and place them in the jar..You can use anything you
like to place in the jar,,
Merge All Layers Visible and add a Drop Shadow
I used these settings..

9. You can now decorate the jar with a ribbon or
whatever you like !

You can put rose pedals inside,,,anything

your little heart desires..

Hope you enjoyed this tut !



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