This is a method of installing plugins that I have been using for a very long time

and it works great !


Okay,,here we go...

First you need to create a new folder on your hard drive..

Name the new folder PSP Plugins 1

Create another folder and name it PSP Plugins 2

and once again and name it PSP PLugins 3

When you download a new filter and the zip window opens,

locae the Folder named PSP Plugins 1 and click on it....You can now create a subfolder

named, *let's say its the Eye Candy ...After the subfolder is created, you

can now extract all of the files to that folder...

This is how my folders and subfolders look !

I use Winzip..If there is a problem creating the subfolder from the zip program you are using,

then you can go to the PSP Plugins folders in Windows Explorer and create it there !

The reason I create 2 other PSP PLugins folders is not to overload one....

As you install more and more, you can move on to the 2nd Plugins Folder ...

To direct PSP to locate these plugins, open up Paint Shop Pro...Go to File,

Preferences & File Locations...Now look for Plugins Tab..Click on it..

and Browse to the Plugins 1 Folder..Repeat this until

all 3 Folders are showing like shown below...

All Versions of Paint Shop Pro vary a bit, but the process is basically the same....

I have also had luck saving my folders to CD and if I have crashed, it made it very

easy to install them again..Some may not install properly, but for the most part, many do...and

it saves a lot of time....

I hope I have made this tutorial clear to you and that you will find it helpful !




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